Sunday, January 25, 2015

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EXPERIMENT: Actor Eloise calibre Oliver calibre took on a bra with hidden cameras and made their daily gjreml. Meanwhile counts camera how many sneak themselves a glance towards the neckline. The video is part of a campaign in conjunction with Rosa slyfe campaign and shall f women screened for breast cancer.
GUIDANCE: calibre October is pink slyfe-months, and in this connection the Cancer Society calibre made this video. It shows how to gr presented to check you for breast cancer, and what factors to look for. Video: Pink Slyfe / Breast Cancer Society / Cancer Society
(Dagbladet): October is the later ra become known as Rosa slyfe-months, where it is put extra focus on breast cancer. - We are concerned that women should know their own breast, and check them regularly for easier detect calibre changes. If you know what kind of symptoms to look for, you doctor oppskes if symptoms have a natural explanation. Many women who frpvist breast cancer before it after having approached a doctor because they have discovered a change, says Olaug Hie Mortensen, Chairman of Breast Cancer Society, told Dagbladet. Check every few months in connection with Rosa slyfe campaign has Breast Cancer Association and Cancer Society made an instructional calibre video showing calibre how a check can be performed. Hie Mortensen says Breast Cancer Society recommends women performs a check every two months, from one is between 30 and 35 years. F women fr breast calibre cancer in this age, but then teaches you know your breasts calibre and fr it as a good routine, she says. - If you still menstruating, calibre we recommend to make The survey one week after the last menstrual period, because then her breasts at its softest. In connection with menstruation is like breasts more gnarled than otherwise. In the video you can see including what symptoms it is important to look for. - There may be things that are not due to disease. But even if it does not need ndvendigvis be something wrong, we go to the doctor, says Hie Mortensen. Spy bra will ensure check in October, many spreading a pink slyfe-pin, or add a pink slyfe p profile picture calibre in social media. Meanwhile user also commercial actors their market power to n out with messages that support the campaign. One of them is Nestl. They gave actress Eloise Oliver a somewhat special day at work recently. calibre She got installed a hidden camera in bra and dressed up with a solid neck. Then she would film a typical day in his life. In the video we see Oliver performs their daily gjreml who buy coffee, take the train and move around calibre the city. Meanwhile counted the number of times a few eyes find their way down towards the chest area. Set 5.5 million times S far clip seen more than 5.5 million times and is mtt with both positive and negative calibre reactions to how they place the topic on the agenda. The creators behind the film wanted to document how many women can look f targeting their breasts ilpet day. Towards the end of the video comes up message on the screen: Breasts your being checked out by others every single day. S No. was the last time you checked your own? The cancer that affects women most After prostate cancer, breast cancer is the most common calibre cancer in Norway. It is the type of cancer that affects mostly calibre women. In 2012 there were 2956 women who received calibre a new case of breast cancer, according to figures calibre from the Cancer Registry. The number p affected calibre have almost doubled since 1956, but one of the reasons believed to be partly kt offered mammography. Hie Mortensen says breast calibre frames brutal and unfair, and that every twelfth woman in Norway will develop breast cancer. - With today's science is difficult PPEK n direct cause, but there are knowledge of factors that can increase and decrease the risk, she says. These are some of the factors that can give increased risk: Women fr her first menstruation early and come late in menopause son that she fr many menstrual periods. Women who are not fr children or who FDER after age 35 years. Inactivity calibre and obesity, night work and alcohol Prolonged use of estrogen associated with menopause. - In addition, some families FTT pvist hereditary breast characters. Dryt five percent of all breast cancer cases are hereditary, she says. Hie Mortsen think Rosa slyfe campaign is important for the work they makes. - We do not want spread fear s people get scared, but I think Rosa slyfe campaign makes that people are more aware on these things. Fagmiljet says that women n oppsker doctor earlier when they detect symptoms of breast cancer. It is absolutely crucial for ensuring a good and sknsom treatment and higher proportion survives.
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