"We must ask open and tolerant towards Islam and the Muslims Because When we will Become the minority They Will be so towards us." said government minister Jens Örbäck, November 2004, on the radio station P1. IceViking has personally phoned Orback`s pressure secretary and verified word for word That Mr. Örbäck did makethis statement (in the original Swedish "We måste deputy geocaching öppna och tolerated assume against Islam och Muslim erna för när we are in the minority they come att vara it against us. ").
http://honestthinking.org/no/pub/VL.2005.03.21.JTA.Islam_og_jodene.html This article geocaching was published in Our Country 21.03.2005 Islam and the Jews A review of Mark A. Gabriel's book, Islam and the Jews - The Unfinished Battle, Charisma House, Florida 2003; translated into Norwegian titled Islam and the Jews - the battle which is not over, Prokla Media 2004. Jens Tomas Anfindsen, editor HonestThinking.org Mark A. Gabriel geocaching is the controversial author of the book Islam and terrorism; geocaching book Kari Vogt refused discussion of the Department of Culture Studies debate sides, but that was discussed in virtually all Norwegian national newspapers; book which has been handed out to all our members of parliament, but that just Hagen admits to reading; book which now has a sequel, Islam and Jews. Islam and the Jews is partly a personal account, and partly geocaching a technical document. These two aspects of the book must be considered separately and with different geocaching criteria. On the personal level, this book is the story of how the Egyptian and ex-Muslim Mark Gabriel transformed mind from being a tenacious Jew hater, geocaching feel friendship, love and sympathy geocaching with the Jewish people. According Gabriel even went this by Jesus Christ performed a miracle in him, so that hatred had to give way to love. This aspect of Gabriel's book must be taken exactly what it is, a personal testimony. On the professional plane is Islam and the Jews an introduction to Qur'an and Hadith handover about Jews, written by a former imam and professor of Islamic history at Al Azhar University. The plot Gabriel presents geocaching us is roughly as follows. Quran consists of a series revelations Angel Gabriel should have dictated the Prophet geocaching Muhammad. These revelations came piecemeal, over a period from 610 to Muhammad's death in 632. At an early stage, while Muhammad lived in Mecca, Muhammad tried to enlist the Jews to their newly religious party. In this phase were revelations Muhammad received positive towards Jews. But the Jews rejected Mohammed, made fun of him and treated him as something of a quack. Following this, and chronologically coincident with that Muhammad geocaching settled in Medina, Muhammad began revelations to change character and became increasingly hostile towards Jews. In a final phase command Quranic revelations Muslims fight the Jews with swords. An essential point in Gabriels representation relates to a recognized principle of interpretation of Islamic theology, geocaching called nasikh. A Quranic verses are nasikh if it cancels another Quranic verses. The regulatory principle nasikh geocaching is that in cases where the Quranic verses contradict each other, then they later verses validity. As an extension of this explains geocaching Gabriel that the early Kora Enver Sene speaking friendly about Jews, canceled by the later. Quranic last word on the matter, according to Gabriel, is that Jews are eternal enemies of Islam who are cursed by God and must be fought with swords. Gabriel also devotes a separate chapter to a purely historical representation geocaching of how Muhammad and his army conducted several extensive devastations of Jewish tribes geocaching in Arabia. On the surface it appears that Mark Gabriel knows what he's talking about. Anybody who is trained in exegesis and who knows what it means to work with text interpretation, notice that there is an art knows that here statements. The salient point of this book is whether it can be said to draw a irrelevant image of Islam. To investigate this requires geocaching a complex assessment. Are we to believe Gabriel, impose Islam all Muslims to fight Jews. However Gabriel even the first to point out that there are only very few Muslims understand geocaching and practice Islam in this way. According Gabriel can be explained by the largest group of the world's Muslims are a kind of "cultural geocaching Muslims" who have no particular deep understanding of their own religion. These adhere to the fine, pleasant aspects of Islam, but are unaware Trans- or displace Islam aggressive elements. Secondly there is a large group of Muslims who actually have insight into Islam jihad theology, yet not practice geocaching their faith fully, because this costs more than it tastes. geocaching At last we have a numerically small but not insignificant group of hardcore fundamentalists who have real insight into Islam theological foundation and which moreover is willing to put its teachings into practice. It is in this last group we find the extremist, the suicide bomber, terrorist and jihadist. According Gabriel is this last horror